Getting to the Top of the Search Engines

Monday, February 27, 2006

Getting to the Top of the Search Engines

by Norma Holt
Best Home Income Opportunities

Search Engine Marketing

Advertising costs are one of the greatest expenses associated with Internet Marketing and getting traffic to your web site. Yet it should not cost the diligent entrepreneur anything to reach the top of the Search Engines listings.

The best way to get free traffic to your website is by getting to the top of the search engines. Sure, it can be difficult and takes a lot of time, but it will pay off in lots of free traffic. Here are some ideas for achieving the goal of getting to the top of the search engines.

before you can market successfully online you need your own website. Have a look at what others are doing in the area and then look at this one. You will notice they all have CONTENT. Page after page of worthwhile information that the Search Engines wil reward you for. Every page is a title and message unto itself and yet they blend in with the theme of the overall site.

Use a descriptive title for each page of your website. Once you have chosen the message for each page pick the best title you can for it. List that title on your home page links so people can easily click to it. The first words in the title should be the ones you expect customers to search for the most. The title will be highlighted in the search engines, and you want people to see what interests them.

Placing keywords in the right places helps in getting to the top of the search engines. Search engines look for important keywords in the headlines, subheads, and first paragraph. While you should make the first paragraph as keyword rich as you can, don't sacrifice content to do this. Often just a few words is best as yu don't want to repeat what you say elsewhere or you can be penalised for that.

Search engines view hyperlinks as important, so use important keywords in hyperlinks. This works especially well when the name of the page you hyperlink to has the same keywords as in your hyperlink.

Write a website consisting of several pages to add content. Each page should concentrate on one keyword or keyword phrase relating to your site. Again check out other websites to get the hang of how to do this. One page I like to add is a knowledge base such as the University/Library page of my web site. Offer links to other sites as associated with your page, such as the Specials or Build a Site at Quids-Biz

Keep everything to the same theme and add new material constantly to keep the Search Engine Spiders busy and interested in your site. Do blogs on a regular basis and have a page dedicated to them.

Submit your site to the major search engines. You can do this by using the "add your URL" link found on the search engine site. Or if your host has a submit to search engine resource use that.

Links from good quality sites will help you rank well with some search engines. In addition, they are another way for people to find you. Find sites that complement yours and ask if they will consider reciprocal linking. Add links to your Home Page so people can easily find them and the sites you link to are aware of your sincerity.



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